Kind-hearted individuals walking along a quiet Missouri road were shocked to come across a situation that tugged at their heartstrings. A solitary cardboard box sat abandoned, housing an overwhelming number of 30 helpless puppies. Too delicate to fend for themselves, the little ones huddled together inside the modest container, providing comfort and warmth to one another. The Good Samaritans immediately sprang into action and notified local rescue authorities for assistance. The compassionate team at Wright-Way Rescue swiftly responded to the call for help and were astounded by the quantity of innocent souls left stranded on the rural roadside.

According to Christy Anderson, executive director of Wright-Way Rescue, they have encountered numerous litters and abandoned dogs in the past. However, this particular location had an overwhelming number of them. A particularly heartbreaking aspect was that the puppies were very young. As a result, all 30 puppies were taken to a nearby veterinarian for check-ups. It was discovered that many of them were infested with ticks, which can be fatal if not treated promptly.


Upon examining the puppies, rescuers realized they were from at least three different litters, indicating varying ages among them. Therefore, providing proper care for each dog would require tailored attention based on their respective stages of growth and development.
Now settled in the safety of the rescue facility, the puppies are basking in relaxation and receiving the love and care they deserve. Over the next few weeks, they will continue to receive necessary medical treatment, be fed high-quality food, and ultimately undergo spay or neuter surgeries.
Wright-Way Rescue extends deep appreciation to generous community members who have already come to the aid of these dogs. They urge others to join in supporting this cause in any way possible.
Anderson emphasizes the crucial need for people to get involved in animal welfare during this critical time. Whether as a foster parent, donor, or adopter, your assistance is greatly valued and much-needed."


In time, these canines will depart from the shelter and make their way to loving forever homes. As they become healthier and more resilient, Wright-Way expressed that they are eager for their next big journey of finding their perfect families. We are currently searching for compassionate foster and adoptive households to give them the care and attention they need to thrive. 

These kinds of stories can even be found in the Boston area. If you're interested in adopting or becoming a foster home for an animal companion, reach out and make a donation to the Boston Animal Rescue League.